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N7 Mass Effect iOS Wallpaper



Edit 9. july 2012: I have uploaded a new version with the N7-logo based more directly on the Korataki-font and ME3 cover-box, and the text under written in Korataki. End of transmission.

A background image for iOS-devices based on the N7 logo from Bioware's Mass Effect-games.

Use it together with this other wallpaper for the Home Screen:

Remember to click the "Download Image"-button over on the right to download original, non-compressed, no-artifacts file.

It's made in 326 ppi, which is how much the Retina-display on the newest iPhones and iTouches can show, though I can't see any difference between this and a 72 ppi version I made.

Anyway, enjoy!

You are free to post this around the web, as long as you follow the ways of the Creative Commons License on this work. Also, please leave a link back to this page.

The Mass Effect games and and franchise, and thus the N7 logo is © Bioware.
I license this work under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.
Image size
640x960px 103.06 KB
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TidalWavesLion's avatar
I use this on my phone (android) and i love it.

And this is how i found out someone at work TRIED to snoop around on my phone... Lesson, never mess with an N7's phone.